Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Eye of the Storm

"Don't Cry for Me-"

No, not Argentina, sorry! Was almost about to break into song there, but I'll spare everyone!

Just a little something to bring you in he-he!

Anyway, I've just been feeling different lately, especially with the things that I feel like writing about. I've told you this in the past that I love writing. It is a very calm stress reliever for me at many times. However, when thinking of something else to write about in future posts, I've been thinking about some different perspectives and topics.

The title of this blog wasn't just a sly hook, but there is a relation I would like to make to the song it references to how I've been thinking about life and myself. I don't know if a lot of you feel this way, if you do, I really hope that I can shed more light on some of the facts associated with these feelings.

Over the past little while, I've been doing extensive internal analysis with myself. Others would coin it as "Soul Searching", but the meaning is the same. What I do as a missionary is invite people to Jesus Christ and teach them learn about the gospel he established and how it has hereby been restored.

I'm telling you this to let you know how I feel, and then to hopefully connect with something that you, the reader, might be feeling. Teaching people about the gospel is fairly easy, in actuality. As we know from the Bible, and other scriptures, the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit testifies and influences truth through everyone. Teaching is easy, because the Holy Spirit helps it to be easy. We, as missionaries, are just messengers and vessels through which the Spirit can be felt. The essence of true conversion is the testimony that the Holy Ghost gives to each and every person. We, the missionaries, can't convert anyone-that's the Holy Spirit's job. Ours is only to create the opportunities. People will accept it or not, and that's one of the benefits, at least for our feelings as teachers, from people's agency.

I don't want to get off on a tangent about the Holy Ghost right now, because I will discuss him and his role in depth another time, but I want to make a related between teaching people and being a missionary, and then still being human and a normal person.

I made a reference to the song, Don't Cry for Me Argentina, from the Broadway musical Evita, because it has an interesting message, and I just felt like I could connect with some of the feelings I've gotten from it. I don't know why this happened. I've been involved with that musical in the past, but something about it really has been pressing on my mind lately.

The song relates Eva Peron's feelings to the people of Argentina. She first relates her experiences as she aspired for more in life, and how she had to climb to the top for freedom. She didn't like the poor life, and so she wanted to reach for the stars. She then exhorts them, the people, not to weep for her, and that she'll always be with them. Like I said, I don't know why this certain song has been coming to my mind lately, but within the song I think there is some very special messages for life.

I don't want you, the reader, to take my relation and comparison to this famous musical creation literally. I want you to actually listen. Listen to the feelings and emotions that come into your heart if you ever get to listen to the song.

It won't be easy, you'll think it strange. When I try to explain how I feel...

I hope you focus on the feelings and emotions that the tune and tone of the song bring. Sometimes in life we feel that we can't properly explain ourselves to people. I don't know what the reason may be. But we try our hardest to be true to ourselves and to try and grow as individuals.

I find myself a lot of times like a small boat, sitting in the middle of a hurricane-the eye of the storm, and looking all around me at the treacherous winds. Every time I might try to navigate out of the storm, I can't because of the circling barriers of wind. I'm not broken or shattered, because I'm in the eye of the storm, but I'm not going anywhere either. It's this whirlwind wind of repetition. It may be with experiences, thoughts, feelings, life-whatever you may have felt this way about. Sometimes we just have to think inward and pull ourselves up.

The song I referenced, disregarding the context in the actual play, has a very powerful, and individualistic view. I think we need to reach for the stars. We may be in a storm of hatred or uncertainty, but I think if we just first, trust in Jesus Christ, and, second, realize that we're more important than we think we are, we can go far and reach for that freedom.

I haven't fully navigated out of the storm. Life is a storm, and I think, at least for me personally, I'm going to be battling with Life's winds for a while, but I take comfort in the fact that I'm still sailing and that, even though there may be some fierce winds, each of us control whether our boat shatters, or whether we keep on navigating.

I testify of the power of the scriptures. They are truly a map to life. I know that Jesus is my savior and that he can always help us through that storm way. I'm not perfect, and I'm still pressing on and navigating, but I take comfort in the fact that I don't have to navigate alone. I have wonderful friends and family with me, taking this treacherous journey with me.

Finally, my wonderful readers, thank you for continuing to take comfort from the words that I speak. I really hope and intend for them to be a loving comfort for you, and for them to make you feel a bit better. Know that a caring friend is never far away if you need one. I love all of you, and I'm grateful for the opportunity and the chance to make the journey a little bit brighter. I do love the last part of the song that I've mentioned earlier, and that is what I'll leave you with:

"But all you have to do is look at me to know, That every word is true..."

Don't Cry for Me Argentina Lyric Excerpts
Copyright Andrew Lloyd Webber

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