Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friendship: The Web Strands of Life

Hello again everyone!

Thanks for continuing to follow me, and read the different things I've been posting. I sincerely hope that these past posts have at least made you smile, and hopefully left you feeling a bit more cared for. Some of the past blog posts I've done have been about different subjects that have, in someway, related to God and religion. Bad thing? Absolutely not :D! But, I feel inclined to talk about a certain subject that, can also be related to God, but has a more Earthly and subtle tone to it.

I just want you, the reader, to remember that as we take another blog journey together, and as you read on, that the purpose of this blog is to give you the opportunity to build upon your knowledge of Christ, and also let you feel as much love, care, and comfort that I can give you through
a simple computer screen. Enough about introductions-everyone seems to dislike them anyway ha-ha!

Friendship is one of those things that sometimes gets misconstrued in today's society. I would like to enlighten you as to some of the benefits and blessings of friendship, and how, if you don't already, you can get more out of those relationships with those people you hold close to your heart. I guess we'll start with the dictionary definition of "friend" first-might as well put it out there :)! A friend is:
"A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard." 
I liked the word attached in that sentence. Notice, however, that no where does it say that a friend is simply an item to be had-"A person." I would like to point out that this post, the subjects in it, and the intention behind it is in no way meant to be taken negatively or with ill-feelings. It is merely to expound on what friendship is to me, and hopefully you as well, and give my appreciation and love to the privilege I've had of having so many wonderful, and unique friends.

I always used to wonder why-growing up in this world today, so many people focused so much on how many people they could call "friends", and how much people liked them. If you think about it, isn't that what society views as the focus and function of friends? Simply social status?  Why does it matter how "many" we have, or how much everybody "likes" us? Shouldn't we try to know people who actually "care" about us, and not just "tolerate" us?

I would like to share an example of one of my friends. It's really hard to share just one. It almost makes me teary-eyed thinking about how many people must care about me, and really pray for my success. I might use two or three ha-ha!

The first example I would like to use is one that shows friendship in a different light. I've gotten to know this certain friend over about a year, maybe a year and a half. Because of certain circumstances-him living in Sweden, and me not being rich enough to fly there :), I've only gotten to develop our relationship through other means, but it's really been a great experience. It really didn't matter that much that we couldn't have the physical side of things, and he's been a great help and support for me in times of struggle and hardship.

I don't know about you, but this life would be the worst thing in the entire universe without people to share it with, and people to help us along the way. I like to think that we are taking this journey together, and that our friends are right there beside us, holding our hands and walking with us. It's really special. If you think about it, part of the basis of life's "test" is developing friendships and love with other people. Sometimes it's hard trying to find friends, and sometimes you may feel alone, but there's always someone who loves and cares for you.

I would like you to know that as you read this, I hope you feel at least a little bit cared for. Some if not most of the problems in our degrading society today could be solved if people just tried to care for one another and become friends. I wasn't over exaggerating, nor was I being allegorical when I called friendship the "web strands of life". It is isn't it? Christ should be our foundation for life; church, scriptures, and prayer should be the map to life, and friendship should be the structure of life.

I've said in past blogs that these aren't to promote myself, nor are they to profess my expertise in any such area, but to help and uplift anyone who reads them. You're probably going to get tired of me saying that, but there it is, he-he. If you ever need someone to talk to, or give you some hope to look forward to, I know a few people ;)! I hope that you have gotten a smile out of this, and realize how precious your friends are, and how essential they are to life's journey.

Before I end this post, I'd like to share one more example of one of my friends. This is another friend who I haven't met in person, but we've talked on just about everything else you can imagine, and I have met him "face to face". Anyway, he's what I would consider as a "forever friend". Sometimes these friends are one in a million, other times they are right in front of us, but I'm taken back to the quote that states:

"Honestly, i don't need someone that sees what's good about me. i need someone that sees the bad and still wants me :)"
This certain friend has definitely seen my bad side sometimes. Yeah we've gotten furious at each other plenty of times, but he's still with me. We still talk, we still cry together, and we still uplift each other. I don't think we come by "forever friends" that often in life, and when we do we might miss them. But I can't tell you how much it makes my heart lift, and how much it makes my tears water when I feel the care that these friends have for me.

Without structure, life would fall apart-without friends, the journey isn't worth walking. So please watch out for them, and make sure you're not running the track of life's race too fast, to miss the people that are cheering you on...

I love you all, and thank you for continuing to follow my blog. I wish you a great week, and a sunny day!

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