Saturday, August 17, 2013

Equations Rule Life

Life is one tough equation isn't it? Full of great divides, some positives, multiple negatives, and tons of variables huh? I don't think there is one great solution to our dividends and our problems. There are multiple ways of tackling a difficult problem, but multiple ways of solving

As in math, one has to first identify the part of an equation that needs to be completed before one can actually start on the equation. You then have to examine and find the right variable to input into the equation to solve the problem. Life is a paradoxical equation. There are simple variables, but there are equally and contrasty difficult ones. Each situation and constant is different, yet the same. Where one could divide and conquer a situation, another would problem add and then multiply. So which constant for life can you use with the different constructs of variables to make Life work?

A few months ago, I discovered a sheet that had seven different "rules", if you will, to Life. At first, they seemed quite general and broad, but on closer inspection, they were quite cool. I'd like to share them with you and give my own insights on how each one has fit into different "equations" that I'm dealing or have dealt with in my experience. I hope that through my personal introspection, I can hopefully help someone who reads this! We'll just take each step one by one, and take apart the different sets of the phrases, to better understand the variables and constants we're dealing with for our brushes with Life's problems.

Rule 1: Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

There are things in everyone's past that sometimes sneak out and haunt us. You wouldn't be human without your own skeletons hidden away in some closet. The point and purpose of the past is to be a bridge to your future. The bad mistakes will always seem more apparent then good feelings, but it's both the good and the bad that shape us as human beings and continue building our foundations higher. For me, there's a lot of things I wish I had a DeLorean for, but I guess I wouldn't be who I am right now without some of those things. We've all had that embarrassing moment, failed projects, disappointing results, and things that sometimes fly back at us in the future, but you're human, just make peace with it. We're not perfect, nor should anyone ever hold us to the standard of perfection, because they'd be a hypocrite. Breath, accept, and know that at least you're trying!

Rule 2: What others think of you, is none of your business.

You're looking at a self-identified perfectionist ha-ha. If your tick is to make things perfect, it'd be hard to not think of what others think right? Yep! So, take it from moi that, even though it's really, really hard, just forget about what people think. I don't care if it's Miss America blazoning the Olympic Torch, and sitting on a Lamborghini Aventador, she still wouldn't be perfect. That's because life is an ongoing equation. It's like pi times pi squared, then multiplied and added to a pi to the tenth. It's ongoing!! No one, no matter how perfect they look, is perfect. Everyone has there own demons, their own variables, and their own problems. It's really hard-believe me, not to obsess about what others believe about you. But it really is none of your business. You're a special and unique individual with your own talents, gifts, and personality that you work on! So, smile and just let that Mr. Popular walk by you. You'll probably never see him again anyway!

Rule 3: Time heals almost anything. Give it time. 

This is true for a lot of things we deal with. Sometimes it's the only thing that can really heal injuries. Notice how a lot of these things are connected and work together to make this "Life Schematic". I think Time really just dampens some of the possible pain that may continue seeping outwards from a bad experience. You still may remember the experience, but it's the knowledge and stuff that you learned from it more then the pain I think. I've always said that Time is one of those things that may not always be constant. It could speed up or slow down, maybe even skip by us, but it is also a healer and helper for experiences which are hard to go through. It can heal almost anything!

Rule 4: Don't compare your life to others, and don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 

This is closely related with number two. We really don't know what others have been through, do we? Why is that person acting so negatively toward us? Why are they so impatient? What really happens when they're at home? The fact is that there is hardly ever a time in this life when we should ever judge someone for something, and hardly should be emphasized. You have no idea what a person has ever been through or how many miles they've had to walk to get to the point where they've met you. I said it just previously. It's so hard not to compare, but there isn't really anyway you can compare, because you don't know what's hidden beneath a person. How much shaping, heartache, or suffering they've gone through. This is why it's so sad to see bullying in this world today, from both sides of the spectrum. The victims and the bullies just don't know how to deal with any of it, and they just follow the pathetic social norm of achievement comparison and situational attitude, meaning that they just take what they see and what a person may look like, and use that as a judgement indicator. Sorry, but if you do that, then you're gravely mistaken. Focus on your life's journey, and help others in theirs, but just don't judge!

Rule 5: Stop thinking too much, it's alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.

You mean I have to be patient?! Dang it! Curse you unexpected answers, ha-ha! I've been known to overthink things plenty of times, and let me tell you-it doesn't help. We really don't have to know everything. That was never the plan, nor do we have the capability to know everything, and I can't tell you how many times I've been searching for something; whether it be an answer to a question, a writing topic, or just some comfort for lil' old me, the answer came in the weirdest place. So never underestimate where you could get an answer, because it could come in the shower or on the freeway!

Rule 6: No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.  

That is a true statement! Attitude is definitely everything. Being around negative and sarcastic people sucks doesn't it? But, we still hold the responsiblitiy to be our own person and not let others' actions affect us in the wrong way. It's hard! But, we can do it. Just pat yourself on the back for that good patience, because we all get into that situation one time or another!
Rule 7: Smile. You don't own all the problems in the world.

We don't own them. The world is too complex and stupid to try and own every problem in it. You are your own person, and I am my own person. There's lots of things that we could all be depressed about for years, but really, as long as we're doing what we're supposed to, and having fun and living life with those we care about, everything is good. We (that's me too!), need to just smile and let the world just pass on by, because the world will always change for better or for worse, but we can control our own endeavors, and just spend time enjoying life!

I really just offer my realization and testimony of the living Christ that should be the basis for our lives. Notice how each of these could tie in perfectly to how Christ emulated his love for mankind and the attributes he truly showed in his ministry to the people. These may seem like simple steps, but I think that if we take a few of them and really use them with a basis on the Savior, we can achieve great things. I just am so grateful for the limitless blessings that I've had in my life.

I couldn't count them if I wanted to. I can't imagine the agony that Christ went through for us. I'm so thankful to have friends and family in this world, and for little snippets of council like these to help me, and hopefully to help you, on our journey through this complex, mysterious, and scary life. We're not alone though! I know we have Christ with us, and I also give you my love, and hope that you can take away at least a smile from my post! Till I blog again :)!

Whisper of the Heart