Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friendship: The Web Strands of Life

Hello again everyone!

Thanks for continuing to follow me, and read the different things I've been posting. I sincerely hope that these past posts have at least made you smile, and hopefully left you feeling a bit more cared for. Some of the past blog posts I've done have been about different subjects that have, in someway, related to God and religion. Bad thing? Absolutely not :D! But, I feel inclined to talk about a certain subject that, can also be related to God, but has a more Earthly and subtle tone to it.

I just want you, the reader, to remember that as we take another blog journey together, and as you read on, that the purpose of this blog is to give you the opportunity to build upon your knowledge of Christ, and also let you feel as much love, care, and comfort that I can give you through
a simple computer screen. Enough about introductions-everyone seems to dislike them anyway ha-ha!

Friendship is one of those things that sometimes gets misconstrued in today's society. I would like to enlighten you as to some of the benefits and blessings of friendship, and how, if you don't already, you can get more out of those relationships with those people you hold close to your heart. I guess we'll start with the dictionary definition of "friend" first-might as well put it out there :)! A friend is:
"A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard." 
I liked the word attached in that sentence. Notice, however, that no where does it say that a friend is simply an item to be had-"A person." I would like to point out that this post, the subjects in it, and the intention behind it is in no way meant to be taken negatively or with ill-feelings. It is merely to expound on what friendship is to me, and hopefully you as well, and give my appreciation and love to the privilege I've had of having so many wonderful, and unique friends.

I always used to wonder why-growing up in this world today, so many people focused so much on how many people they could call "friends", and how much people liked them. If you think about it, isn't that what society views as the focus and function of friends? Simply social status?  Why does it matter how "many" we have, or how much everybody "likes" us? Shouldn't we try to know people who actually "care" about us, and not just "tolerate" us?

I would like to share an example of one of my friends. It's really hard to share just one. It almost makes me teary-eyed thinking about how many people must care about me, and really pray for my success. I might use two or three ha-ha!

The first example I would like to use is one that shows friendship in a different light. I've gotten to know this certain friend over about a year, maybe a year and a half. Because of certain circumstances-him living in Sweden, and me not being rich enough to fly there :), I've only gotten to develop our relationship through other means, but it's really been a great experience. It really didn't matter that much that we couldn't have the physical side of things, and he's been a great help and support for me in times of struggle and hardship.

I don't know about you, but this life would be the worst thing in the entire universe without people to share it with, and people to help us along the way. I like to think that we are taking this journey together, and that our friends are right there beside us, holding our hands and walking with us. It's really special. If you think about it, part of the basis of life's "test" is developing friendships and love with other people. Sometimes it's hard trying to find friends, and sometimes you may feel alone, but there's always someone who loves and cares for you.

I would like you to know that as you read this, I hope you feel at least a little bit cared for. Some if not most of the problems in our degrading society today could be solved if people just tried to care for one another and become friends. I wasn't over exaggerating, nor was I being allegorical when I called friendship the "web strands of life". It is isn't it? Christ should be our foundation for life; church, scriptures, and prayer should be the map to life, and friendship should be the structure of life.

I've said in past blogs that these aren't to promote myself, nor are they to profess my expertise in any such area, but to help and uplift anyone who reads them. You're probably going to get tired of me saying that, but there it is, he-he. If you ever need someone to talk to, or give you some hope to look forward to, I know a few people ;)! I hope that you have gotten a smile out of this, and realize how precious your friends are, and how essential they are to life's journey.

Before I end this post, I'd like to share one more example of one of my friends. This is another friend who I haven't met in person, but we've talked on just about everything else you can imagine, and I have met him "face to face". Anyway, he's what I would consider as a "forever friend". Sometimes these friends are one in a million, other times they are right in front of us, but I'm taken back to the quote that states:

"Honestly, i don't need someone that sees what's good about me. i need someone that sees the bad and still wants me :)"
This certain friend has definitely seen my bad side sometimes. Yeah we've gotten furious at each other plenty of times, but he's still with me. We still talk, we still cry together, and we still uplift each other. I don't think we come by "forever friends" that often in life, and when we do we might miss them. But I can't tell you how much it makes my heart lift, and how much it makes my tears water when I feel the care that these friends have for me.

Without structure, life would fall apart-without friends, the journey isn't worth walking. So please watch out for them, and make sure you're not running the track of life's race too fast, to miss the people that are cheering you on...

I love you all, and thank you for continuing to follow my blog. I wish you a great week, and a sunny day!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life's Conundrum Undone

It seems a lot in life, we focus a lot on something that shouldn't receive so much attention or worried feelings about. We forget sometimes as humans that we are living beings and are part of the entire natural world on the earth. Sometimes we fear or focus on death as that final crack of the gavel on the judges stand, or the end of a tape that's playing, but it's not. I guess it's just that fear of the unknown that is really the issue or the reason why the aspect and eventuality of death is so jarring. It is a scary thought though, especially if you aren't part of any religious organization or church the preaches there is life after death. As you may have guessed, I'd be one member of one of those religious organizations :)!

You've heard me mention the church that I'm a member, and currently a missionary for, many times I'm sure. For the purposes of this blog I'll refer to it as the Mormon Church, as that seems to be the name most people recognize. Anyway-I'd like to touch on our basic beliefs about death, life, and what we teach and believe to the people that we meet. It would be scary honestly-if I didn't have the knowledge that I do now through being in the church. It would be a heart-wrenching experience to lose a family member in the natural way of life, and not know where they are.

Have you ever asked those life questions to yourself? Where did we come from? Where do we go when we die? Why is there suffering on this earth? Why did my family member have to pass away? What am I supposed to do? Why is life so hard? I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

We know from the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father (God), have made promises with different groups of people and given us teachings down through the ages to be happy and sound in our lives today. Jesus Christ then came down and established his church, called apostles, and ministered unto the people. Eventually, after three years, he atoned for the sins of the world in the Garden of Gethsemane, as recorded in the New Testament, and was crucified on Calvary the following day. We know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, but why is he exactly? Well, here we go!

Our gospel teaches us (The Bible and the Book of Mormon-which will be elaborated on in the near future), that we all lived with heaven with Heavenly Premortal Life. In this life, we lived as spirit children of our Heavenly Father, but we weren't like our Father in an important way. He had a resurrected, perfect body of flesh and bones, and we were still spirits. Because of this, our Heavenly Father, out of pure love for us, created a plan for use to be able to have the chance to become like him, receive a body, and grow in many ways.

The plan is labelled the Plan of Salvation or the Plan of Happiness in the Bible and Book of Mormon. That is God's purpose in a nutshell:

"For behold, this is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39, Pear of Great Price). 

To accomplish this, God instructed Jesus Christ to create the Earth for us to be able to receive bodies and to grow with them through the tests of mortality. We needed a savior though, to pay the price of sin, death, and suffering that would result from being born into a mortal world. As you could guess, Jesus Christ volunteered to be the savior and pledged all the glory to the Father as he suffered for the sins of the world to protect the agency of man. But another volunteered as well. Lucifer told the Father saying,

"Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor." (Moses 4:1, Pearl of Great Price).
Because of this, and his desire to rebel and take away man's agency, he and everyone who followed him was cast out of heaven. Those who chose to follow Christ and thereby chose to come down to earth to receive a body, and take part in this wonderful plan. Because you are here, you chose to follow Christ :D!

From the Bible, we have the account of the creation of course and of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They both were created in God's image, and they were perfectly innocent and lived in God's presence. Eventually though, Eve was tempted by the serpent or Satan to partake of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil-something God had forbidden them to do. Because of this, Adam had to choose to either remain in the Garden and follow the second commandment, or follow Eve and thereby doing, fulfill the first and higher commandment to "multiply and replenish the earth."

As you could guess, he chose the latter and thereby introduced sin, suffering  and mortality into the worlds, as was the plan from the beginning. That is our purpose of life on earth-to learn grow, and find peace with God and to gain a body of flesh and bones just like the Father has. That is the reason we have commandments from Heavenly Father and why we have our God-given agency. We have it so we can learn and grow, and learn to come to our Heavenly Father in love and dependence. Because of our fallen state however, we need a savior, Jesus Christ, to pay the price of sin and suffering, and to also overcome physical and spiritual death.

Because Jesus Christ came down to earth, as stated before, atoned for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, and was killed and risen from the dead-we will all be resurrected and can become clean from our sins by using his Atonement, and coming unto him. Christ will forgive our sins if we have faith in Him and his Atonement, repent and try our best to correct our wrongs, be baptized like he was by John the Baptist, receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and continue enduring and using Christ and God to help and love us!

That's a lot of information, I know. But doesn't it make sense? Why would we have this beautiful Earth, the millions upon millions of universes, and all of this evidence of a higher power? Doesn't that give you hope? Maybe comfort for a loved one? I hope so. But I'll explain the last part of this "Plan" before I digress.

We are all mortal, and unfortunately we all must die eventually. After death, our spirits will go to the Spirit World, as described by the Apostle Peter in Peter chapter 4 in the New Testament, and we will either live in a state of peace or misery depending on how we lived through our life. This isn't the end, only a waiting period where the people who've accepted Christ and have lived good lives can rest, and where the people who haven't, and who live in doubt and sometimes misery, will have a chance to accept Christ!

After Christ's Second Coming, everyone will eventually be resurrected, never to die again, and having perfect and immortal bodies. We will return to God's presence to be judged according to the works and desires that we had on this Earth life. If we repented, and tried our best to do good in life, then we will receive mercy.

After being judged, we will go into one of three kingdoms of Heaven: Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial. The Celestial Kingdom, or the glory of the sun, is where the people who've accepted Christ, and fulfilled the tenants above the best they could, and have accepted his Atonement, will go to reside with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The Terrestrial Kingdom, or the glory of the moon, is those who lived honorable lives, but haven't accepted the fullness of the gospel. Finally, The Telestial Kingdom, or the glory of the stars, is for those who continued in their sins and did not repent in this life (1 Corinthians 15, New Testament).

Our goal should be the Celestial Kingdom, and we all hope that everyone can get there. I testify that this Plan is divinely inspired and is so special and great in going through life's hardships and challenges. I love you guys! I hope that this all makes sense. If not, ask questions :D! I think this truly is the unwinding that we all need to "Life's Conundrum", and is how we, as a people, can have hope and love toward each other, and happiness and faith for the future!

Love you guys, and have a fantastic week!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Talents for the Ages

Something in which I've continued to work on throughout my life so far up to this point, is what skills I actually have inside me? What am I going to be able to accomplish, and what else could I learn to add to my personality? Have you ever noticed the fact that you aren't really the same as the person who might be sitting right next to you? Ever wonder why you haven't met someone exactly like you? It's because we're all individuals-we all think, act, and experience different situations and moments in our lives that shape our nature and our being. If you think about it, it's a good thing that you aren't like that guy or girl next to you, isn't it? How would you ever win an argument against yourself? Forget about it. We're all different for a reason, and it's those difference that can help us grow our talents, and our skills, and our likes.

For me personally-music and literature have been something that I've held dear to my heart for a long while now. My family and I have always been musically inclined, and my love for music has grown every time I'm involved with it. My mother is a professional musician, and my dad has also had musical experience. They actually met because of music, within the BYU (Brigham Young University) Singers, Choral group. I think it would be good to say that music has been a big influence for me.

Along with music, I've always loved the art of literature and English. I enjoy reading books, learning knew things, and studying the English language  Just recently, about three years ago, I started looking at literature and English in a different light. I had always loved English throughout school, even though I had a few teachers who were a bit on the edge. There were days when I just wanted to burn my English notebook, but luckily those weren't very frequent. Throughout school, it'd always been about learning the proper function and structure of the language, as well as writing essays and reading books. Like I said: I love books, but it was hard sometimes. I told you that my view had shifted slightly about three years ago, and that's because I discovered a new skill-writing.

Sure-I wrote essays, papers, portfolios of course, but this was all for school academia. I liked learning and school, but other then teaching you and learning for yourself, you're not really doing anything for anyone else at that moment. But with writing, actually being able to apply the learning, and get the things that spin around in your head and imagination down on paper, was astounding.

Never underestimate or undermine yourself by telling yourself that you're not good enough, or that you could never be as "fill in the blank" as "whatever person or thing". Just stop it. The world has such a twisted view of what happiness and joy is, and it's only getting worse my friends. You think popularity, money, and cars are the only things you need? No they're not. Singly going after popularity leads to pride and then leads to destruction; singly going after money leads to greed and then leads to bankruptcy or crime; and all these other things that are materialistic that don't really matter. If you have all these are you bad? No of course not :)! You're really blessed, but I hope that you're using it the right way.

Everybody has something. Some talent that they can use or discover that they can magnify and make bigger to share with the world and with their friends. Music and Writing are two of mine that I've attempted to share with people. And you know what one of the best feelings is that I would take every time over fake popularity. I've heard a few times-it doesn't happen a lot, but when it does it's truly special, I've heard a few times a phrase similar to this one. "Mark, thank you, you have inspired me to do "something." I can't tell you how humbling and how deep that hits home for me. It's just my voice-they are only words that I make up when I use these talents. How could someone say that to me? How could I make a difference with just that? Well the fact is I did. Just by using it with the intent of making people happy and letting them have their own personal experiences with either of the examples I've shared.

I've held onto that throughout my journey so far. And now I'm on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, teaching people about Jesus Christ and trying to help people feel the love from their Heavenly Father and from me ^_^! I hope that I can inspire you-yes you right now reading, to do something great. These are just two examples of things you can discover for yourself. Just start doing something, work at it, then you'll find that you really are special no matter who you are. We all have talents, and like Jesus' states in his parable of the ten talents written within the New Testament-we all need to multiply our talents and share them with people, not hide them away to rust and recede.

I testify that you are loved :D! And that you are special, and I hope that if you read this that you're day has been brightened  I love you and want to give you as much comfort and hugs as I can :)! Have a great time, and a good week, whenever you read this okay?

Till we meet again ;)!