Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Dark Agent

There is something that I want to share with all of you wonderful followers. Something that has hit home for me really hard.

I don't know how many of you have experienced that entrenching and debilitating power of Depression, but it is an insidious agent that has the power to cripple the mightiest of foes. Why is it so hard to deal with? To recognize? To see? Why is it so prevalent in this world today?

It's a real scary thought. To think that your very mentality is being attacked by environmental and chemical combatants, that you can't necessarily see. I think that is the start of why it is so dangerous. Unlike a Flu virus or a Cold, Depression isn't immediately recognizable. It's silent, it's mental, it's emotional. If I'm coughing or vomiting, I can probably assume that I might have some sort of virus. But how could I know if Depression might be looming around my body? There are bad hair days, there are people how just push our buttons the wrong way, and there is the every present social shame of admitting that you might have a problem with your mind. It is very scary.

I'm going to quote one of our Church Authorities a lot during my blog today, because he puts it so simple and concise as to what Depression is, and what can be done about it. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland stated:

"We sense the complexity of such matters when we hear professionals speak of neuroses and psychoses, of genetic predispositions and chromosome defects, of bipolarity, paranoia, and schizophrenia. However bewildering this all may be, these afflictions are some of the realities of mortal life, and there should be no more shame in acknowledging them than in acknowledging a battle with high blood pressure or the sudden appearance of a malignant tumor."*
I like the word complexity. Depression and Mental Illness is a complex problem. It is something that is real. Right here. Right now. We need to face the reality. "There should be no more shame..." What does that mean to you? My heart and feelings goes out to those who are battling with such debilitating diseases as Alzheimer's, Dementia, and other forms of serious mental illness. It is so painful to watch someone go through something so horrible, especially when you have to witness the pain from the family members of the person afflicted. I can't tell you how much what Elder Holland said about this disease meant to me. About God's love, he states:

"So how do you best respond when mental or emotional challenges confront you or those you love? Above all, never lose faith in your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you can comprehend. As President Monson states, “That love never changes. … It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve [it]. It is simply always there.” Never, ever doubt that, and never harden your heart..."*
There is a lot of judgement that goes on in the world today. Everything is about me. What can I get? How can I get above that person? Why don't I have that instead of him? It seems that judgment intensifies when persons afflicted with Depression come to a realization of their affliction. It's simply horrible. My heart and empathy goes out to those who have been ostracized because of their illness. There is no more destructive act that can happen, in relation to depression, then to have those you thought were by your side, turn judgemental and condescending for something that you or someone close is battling with.

Like I said, and like Elder Holland said. I'm not talking about crazy hair days, bossy colleagues, or an "off day", I'm talking about a dark and silent agent that can take the simplest of things and reverse them into a descending depth of despair. My friends and watchers. Be alert. Be mindful. Be careful to not judge those who seem to be struggling with some inner turmoil.

You never know what someone may be going through. And you could never in your lifetime imagine the struggles or trials another person has to face. You can empathize or sympathize with somethings, but I testify that everyone is different. Everyone is unique. And everyone is human. People make mistakes. People get sick. And people judge others. We need to desist from this, my friends. I have friends and family who have battled with these types of afflictions, and I myself have battled with it. I want you to remember to love these people. Treat them as you would a person with a debilitating cancer, or a severe physical ailment. With love. 

There are lots of things that are afflicting us in our day and age. I just wanted to bring to light what one of them is. Friends, thank you for support. I hope that we can all look upon people that are going through these types of mountainous challenges with a sliver of sympathy, at least. It's just another thing that we, as mortal beings have to deal with, and we need to remember that all of the people around us are mortal as well. We can all be subject to diseases like this, and we just need to help each other with our struggles.

I guess, in closing, I want to give my testimony of Jesus Christ. He really did experience all. All of our worries. All of our fears. All of our sufferings. He truly is the ultimate advocate. I know that He loves each and every one of us. I know He loves me. I know he wants the very best for all, and that he and Jesus Christ really truly love all of us. Why would they have done everything they have done if they didn't? Thank you for reading and listening. I hope that somebody somewhere can be helped or uplifted by my message. Have a wonderful day!

Like a Broken Vessel, October General Conferance 2013, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Equations Rule Life

Life is one tough equation isn't it? Full of great divides, some positives, multiple negatives, and tons of variables huh? I don't think there is one great solution to our dividends and our problems. There are multiple ways of tackling a difficult problem, but multiple ways of solving

As in math, one has to first identify the part of an equation that needs to be completed before one can actually start on the equation. You then have to examine and find the right variable to input into the equation to solve the problem. Life is a paradoxical equation. There are simple variables, but there are equally and contrasty difficult ones. Each situation and constant is different, yet the same. Where one could divide and conquer a situation, another would problem add and then multiply. So which constant for life can you use with the different constructs of variables to make Life work?

A few months ago, I discovered a sheet that had seven different "rules", if you will, to Life. At first, they seemed quite general and broad, but on closer inspection, they were quite cool. I'd like to share them with you and give my own insights on how each one has fit into different "equations" that I'm dealing or have dealt with in my experience. I hope that through my personal introspection, I can hopefully help someone who reads this! We'll just take each step one by one, and take apart the different sets of the phrases, to better understand the variables and constants we're dealing with for our brushes with Life's problems.

Rule 1: Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

There are things in everyone's past that sometimes sneak out and haunt us. You wouldn't be human without your own skeletons hidden away in some closet. The point and purpose of the past is to be a bridge to your future. The bad mistakes will always seem more apparent then good feelings, but it's both the good and the bad that shape us as human beings and continue building our foundations higher. For me, there's a lot of things I wish I had a DeLorean for, but I guess I wouldn't be who I am right now without some of those things. We've all had that embarrassing moment, failed projects, disappointing results, and things that sometimes fly back at us in the future, but you're human, just make peace with it. We're not perfect, nor should anyone ever hold us to the standard of perfection, because they'd be a hypocrite. Breath, accept, and know that at least you're trying!

Rule 2: What others think of you, is none of your business.

You're looking at a self-identified perfectionist ha-ha. If your tick is to make things perfect, it'd be hard to not think of what others think right? Yep! So, take it from moi that, even though it's really, really hard, just forget about what people think. I don't care if it's Miss America blazoning the Olympic Torch, and sitting on a Lamborghini Aventador, she still wouldn't be perfect. That's because life is an ongoing equation. It's like pi times pi squared, then multiplied and added to a pi to the tenth. It's ongoing!! No one, no matter how perfect they look, is perfect. Everyone has there own demons, their own variables, and their own problems. It's really hard-believe me, not to obsess about what others believe about you. But it really is none of your business. You're a special and unique individual with your own talents, gifts, and personality that you work on! So, smile and just let that Mr. Popular walk by you. You'll probably never see him again anyway!

Rule 3: Time heals almost anything. Give it time. 

This is true for a lot of things we deal with. Sometimes it's the only thing that can really heal injuries. Notice how a lot of these things are connected and work together to make this "Life Schematic". I think Time really just dampens some of the possible pain that may continue seeping outwards from a bad experience. You still may remember the experience, but it's the knowledge and stuff that you learned from it more then the pain I think. I've always said that Time is one of those things that may not always be constant. It could speed up or slow down, maybe even skip by us, but it is also a healer and helper for experiences which are hard to go through. It can heal almost anything!

Rule 4: Don't compare your life to others, and don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 

This is closely related with number two. We really don't know what others have been through, do we? Why is that person acting so negatively toward us? Why are they so impatient? What really happens when they're at home? The fact is that there is hardly ever a time in this life when we should ever judge someone for something, and hardly should be emphasized. You have no idea what a person has ever been through or how many miles they've had to walk to get to the point where they've met you. I said it just previously. It's so hard not to compare, but there isn't really anyway you can compare, because you don't know what's hidden beneath a person. How much shaping, heartache, or suffering they've gone through. This is why it's so sad to see bullying in this world today, from both sides of the spectrum. The victims and the bullies just don't know how to deal with any of it, and they just follow the pathetic social norm of achievement comparison and situational attitude, meaning that they just take what they see and what a person may look like, and use that as a judgement indicator. Sorry, but if you do that, then you're gravely mistaken. Focus on your life's journey, and help others in theirs, but just don't judge!

Rule 5: Stop thinking too much, it's alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.

You mean I have to be patient?! Dang it! Curse you unexpected answers, ha-ha! I've been known to overthink things plenty of times, and let me tell you-it doesn't help. We really don't have to know everything. That was never the plan, nor do we have the capability to know everything, and I can't tell you how many times I've been searching for something; whether it be an answer to a question, a writing topic, or just some comfort for lil' old me, the answer came in the weirdest place. So never underestimate where you could get an answer, because it could come in the shower or on the freeway!

Rule 6: No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.  

That is a true statement! Attitude is definitely everything. Being around negative and sarcastic people sucks doesn't it? But, we still hold the responsiblitiy to be our own person and not let others' actions affect us in the wrong way. It's hard! But, we can do it. Just pat yourself on the back for that good patience, because we all get into that situation one time or another!
Rule 7: Smile. You don't own all the problems in the world.

We don't own them. The world is too complex and stupid to try and own every problem in it. You are your own person, and I am my own person. There's lots of things that we could all be depressed about for years, but really, as long as we're doing what we're supposed to, and having fun and living life with those we care about, everything is good. We (that's me too!), need to just smile and let the world just pass on by, because the world will always change for better or for worse, but we can control our own endeavors, and just spend time enjoying life!

I really just offer my realization and testimony of the living Christ that should be the basis for our lives. Notice how each of these could tie in perfectly to how Christ emulated his love for mankind and the attributes he truly showed in his ministry to the people. These may seem like simple steps, but I think that if we take a few of them and really use them with a basis on the Savior, we can achieve great things. I just am so grateful for the limitless blessings that I've had in my life.

I couldn't count them if I wanted to. I can't imagine the agony that Christ went through for us. I'm so thankful to have friends and family in this world, and for little snippets of council like these to help me, and hopefully to help you, on our journey through this complex, mysterious, and scary life. We're not alone though! I know we have Christ with us, and I also give you my love, and hope that you can take away at least a smile from my post! Till I blog again :)!

Whisper of the Heart

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Phantom Menace: Resisting Temptation

Hello everyone! I do hope these posts are fulfilling, and that they at least give you a smile. Anyway, now that I have your attention, I hope. Yes you, behind the screen! I'll just jump right in with the good stuff.

So, what is this "Phantom Menace" that I'm talking about? No, it's not the Star Wars movie title :), but what could it be? So many times in life we focus on things that might not be that important, or lose focus on some of the things that are. Why is that? Why is it so hard to stay focused in this world? Why do we have many of the problems that we do? It's because we're distracted. There are so many things in the present day that sometimes pull us away from focusing on actual life, and lead to many of the problems we see in society. Many of these things are very common things, and are things that we see and interact with on a daily basis.

I think it's very interesting to think about how easy it is to slip off into many of these distractions. Things like drugs, media, and technology have very different perspectives with many of their uses. Why? Because there are unseen forces that attack the simplicity and the neutrality of these different aspects of our lives. We are at war. There are no guns, nor airplanes; explosions, nor countries in this war. The Adversary, the Devil, or Satan is on full assault against mankind, and he is pulling ahead in the last leg of the race.

Temptation is everywhere, and if we can't find something to anchor ourselves against the storm, then we'll be blown away. Isn't it interesting that the word tempest, which means severe storm, is really close to having the word "tempt" and "test" in it? Life is an opportunity to learn and grow, fail and succeed, and love and lose, but we are not alone and we aren't without opposition. I urge you to find your own anchor, whether it's your family, your friends, Jesus Christ, or the Gospel-something to help you find that foundation. I think it's hard to try and find your way without somewhere to start. I want to give you a few things you can do to help you try and resist this onslaught of wayward winds, and to help you find your own anchor in your life.

  • Find Jesus Christ. How could someone not want to find Christ in their lives? So many things in life are so horrible to deal with, and are so harmful to us that there seems that we can never have hope. Christ suffered those pains and afflictions when he performed his Atonement and was crucified on the cross for us. He loves us and he just wants us to feel that and to feel that healing power that he can give. I've seen too many struggling families, wayward children, and lost people who I feel badly for. No one is perfect. I know that for a fact. Because of this, it's not hard to get lost or to get buried by life's trials. If you have difficulties or temptations that you don't think you can handle, then give Christ a chance to help you. Trust in his promise when he says, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.1

  • Recognize Your Special Self. Why do we degrade each other so much? Why do we have so many problems in our societies, our countries, and our communities? Why are we so bent on getting ahead of whoever, that we forget that we're all in this together? Really? How much farther do you think we could be, if we just worked together, instead of working individually. Everyone of you are special, royal individuals. You deserve to be loved and cared for, and you deserve people to go through life's journey with you. I really hope that you can at least smile from this post. You do have talents and gifts that you may not even realize that you have. Don't ever short yourself, and remember that you need to build yourself up sometimes, and not focus on comparing yourself to other people-they're not as perfect as you think. 

  • Accept That Everyone Needs a Break. Temptation and heartache are everywhere. Sooner or later, all of us are going to have to just stop and take a break. That's totally fine. We need to remember that we're not in this life alone, and that we can do this. We're all trying to reach that big goal in life, hopefully, to be able to return to God at the end of our lives. You can do this, and Christ can help. He is with us every step of the way, and sometimes-most of the time for me, he is carrying us through our struggles. Remember that you are loved!

  • Life Isn't Really a "Highway". To preface this point, I would like to share with you the last part of one of my all time favorite poems. Here is an excerpt: "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.2" I love the last line of the poem. Many, many times, there are several paths we all can take in life. Which one has something at the end worth walking towards, and is that road's journey worth it? It always makes all the difference, doesn't it? There is a lot of people who just go along with the different things of the world, and just do things that they see other people doing. They're just following that mainstream highway of life, and it's hurting so many people. The journey is as important as the end, and some paths don't have a good ending. So, I'm sorry Tom Cochrane, but life isn't really a "highway". 

My fellow friends and loving readers, life sometimes isn't mainstream-there is temptation, evil, heartbreak, and trials, but we have Christ and each other to help and love us. There is a lot of temptations out there, and it's not easy to try to manage all of the things we deal with on a daily basis, but we can do it. The most important part is that we have to trust ourselves and stay true to the path that will be best for us. At the end of your life, do you want to say that you stayed true to the straight path, and took the road less traveled by? I do. So let's keep walking it together, no matter if more people are on the mainstream "highway". Let us all press on! 

1:  Matthew 11:28, New Testament
2:  Excerpt from The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Personal Inception

Sometimes we get down on ourselves don't we? Life's road is usually cracked, windy, and maybe even sometimes broken. There are bumps all around it, and we have a hard time navigating them. Why is that? Have you looked at yourself recently and asked, "Who am I?" I have. It's been a life long journey up to this point. Every time I think of it, every time I think I'm close, it slips away. Why? Because it's a journey, it's not a destination.

I talked about this a little bit in my last post, when I talked about being in the Eye of the Storm, but now I want to focus on that personal journey that we all have to find ourselves. I'm not an expert in any respect. In fact, I'm wrestling with myself and my mind to continue making progress in my own journey. It's difficult. I've shed many a tear and hugged many a floor, wondering how to keep going. So how would we?

For me, I've done lots of searching. Searching the Bible, the Book of Mormon-reading guides and studies, praying every single day, and doing a lot of self study. It's hard, because we sometimes don't know when we've reached the next step, or when we've achieved that next tier in knowledge.

I recently read an article that outlined some of the basic steps to finding yourself. I almost cried reading it. Most of the things it talks about, have been things that I've been searching, wrestling, crying, or searching for for a while. It didn't give me any dominate answers, but it gave me something to start from. I'd like to outline a few of its points, as well as input a few of my own gospel points in.

For me, my challenges are mostly emotional, especially at the present time. Most everything else is fine (Though, none of them are ever perfect), but I'm definitely working on that side of me more then anything. I don't mind talking about myself, but usually I'm quite reserved in "who" I talk to about it. I always have this fear that by revealing some of my mistakes or vulnerabilities, that I'll just come out more broken. I'll put that fear aside for now, at least with a few of these challenges that I'll share with you.

I recognize myself as a perfectionist. It's not a boastful label nor is it a horrible trait, but it is a challenge for me in lots of respects. Sometimes I try so hard to be perfect; to love everyone, to be nice and neat always, and to do my best in things I do, but with perfection as my bar, I never succeed. Now, if I'm talking about it, I must recognize that I have this tendency or trait, right? 

So, why is it so hard? It's because it's a mental way of thinking. It's part of my personality. Can I change it? Honestly, I don't know, but I just know that I have to find someway of letting it in and fusing with me. You can only fight yourself so long before you lose, and I've gotten to that point many times. That's one of the rules of life though: Nobody is perfect, and we don't need to be concerned about being loved by everyone. That's something that's hard for most people, including me. I love the quote by Raymond Hull that says:

"He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away." 

It's hard to do this sometimes, but we need to accept ourselves and realize that we are very special people. This goes along with self worth and self confidence. Again, something that I'm working on, but we need to accept that each of us are special, and we have talents that we've been blessed with.

There was two or three main points from the article that I will mention now. The first subject on one of the "Steps to Personal Discovery" was entitled, "Let go of the need to be loved by all."

This is something that I think is difficult for many people. We want to be accepted don't we? It's our nature to want praise and affection for the things that we do or the achievements we get, but let's face facts. With nearly six billion people on the world (Don't quote me on that statistic!), we can't get along or be loved by everyone. Someone somewhere is going to hate or dislike us for reasons we don't know. Just accept that you won't get along with everyone. You have friends and family who, hopefully, love you, and even though everyone may not like you, you're still a wonderful person who has gifts and talents to use through your life.

The second point that I'd like to outline is, "Immerse yourself in Solitude." 

This is definitely true for myself. Everyone needs time alone, whether you're the "Chatty Cathy" or the "Shy Stewart". The article clearly describes that solitude is a time for rejuvenation, self-talk, and utter peace. Reading that sentence gave me a lot of peace. I love to discuss things with myself inside my mind. I find that, even when I can't turn to anyone else, I am my greatest listener. If we don't stop and think once and a while, our brains go into overload. How can you expect to find peace if you've burnt out the 'memory boards' of your brain? Not possible. Everything needs rest, and that goes for your mind and your feelings too.

For me, my time consists of quiet pondering, simple writing, and soft prayers. I would consider myself a creative person at heart, and it really is something when I can just sit down and let my mind zoom through the universes and feel that peace. 

The final point I'd like to talk about is, "Be ready for Dead Ends." 

I told you at the start that reading this article made me tear up, and the following point and quotation is one of the reasons why. I love you all. Thank you for coming into my life and for teaching me many, many things about myself. I will leave you, my good reader, with this quote, and bid you a wonderful time till we blog again :). Be safe, and remember that you always have a caring friend right here. 

Finding yourself is a journey, not a destination. A lot of it is trial and error. That's the price you pay in return for the satisfaction you receive: More often than not, you hit a bump in the road, and sometimes you fall flat on your face. Be prepared to understand and accept that this is a part of the process, and commit to getting right back up and starting over. 


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Eye of the Storm

"Don't Cry for Me-"

No, not Argentina, sorry! Was almost about to break into song there, but I'll spare everyone!

Just a little something to bring you in he-he!

Anyway, I've just been feeling different lately, especially with the things that I feel like writing about. I've told you this in the past that I love writing. It is a very calm stress reliever for me at many times. However, when thinking of something else to write about in future posts, I've been thinking about some different perspectives and topics.

The title of this blog wasn't just a sly hook, but there is a relation I would like to make to the song it references to how I've been thinking about life and myself. I don't know if a lot of you feel this way, if you do, I really hope that I can shed more light on some of the facts associated with these feelings.

Over the past little while, I've been doing extensive internal analysis with myself. Others would coin it as "Soul Searching", but the meaning is the same. What I do as a missionary is invite people to Jesus Christ and teach them learn about the gospel he established and how it has hereby been restored.

I'm telling you this to let you know how I feel, and then to hopefully connect with something that you, the reader, might be feeling. Teaching people about the gospel is fairly easy, in actuality. As we know from the Bible, and other scriptures, the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit testifies and influences truth through everyone. Teaching is easy, because the Holy Spirit helps it to be easy. We, as missionaries, are just messengers and vessels through which the Spirit can be felt. The essence of true conversion is the testimony that the Holy Ghost gives to each and every person. We, the missionaries, can't convert anyone-that's the Holy Spirit's job. Ours is only to create the opportunities. People will accept it or not, and that's one of the benefits, at least for our feelings as teachers, from people's agency.

I don't want to get off on a tangent about the Holy Ghost right now, because I will discuss him and his role in depth another time, but I want to make a related between teaching people and being a missionary, and then still being human and a normal person.

I made a reference to the song, Don't Cry for Me Argentina, from the Broadway musical Evita, because it has an interesting message, and I just felt like I could connect with some of the feelings I've gotten from it. I don't know why this happened. I've been involved with that musical in the past, but something about it really has been pressing on my mind lately.

The song relates Eva Peron's feelings to the people of Argentina. She first relates her experiences as she aspired for more in life, and how she had to climb to the top for freedom. She didn't like the poor life, and so she wanted to reach for the stars. She then exhorts them, the people, not to weep for her, and that she'll always be with them. Like I said, I don't know why this certain song has been coming to my mind lately, but within the song I think there is some very special messages for life.

I don't want you, the reader, to take my relation and comparison to this famous musical creation literally. I want you to actually listen. Listen to the feelings and emotions that come into your heart if you ever get to listen to the song.

It won't be easy, you'll think it strange. When I try to explain how I feel...

I hope you focus on the feelings and emotions that the tune and tone of the song bring. Sometimes in life we feel that we can't properly explain ourselves to people. I don't know what the reason may be. But we try our hardest to be true to ourselves and to try and grow as individuals.

I find myself a lot of times like a small boat, sitting in the middle of a hurricane-the eye of the storm, and looking all around me at the treacherous winds. Every time I might try to navigate out of the storm, I can't because of the circling barriers of wind. I'm not broken or shattered, because I'm in the eye of the storm, but I'm not going anywhere either. It's this whirlwind wind of repetition. It may be with experiences, thoughts, feelings, life-whatever you may have felt this way about. Sometimes we just have to think inward and pull ourselves up.

The song I referenced, disregarding the context in the actual play, has a very powerful, and individualistic view. I think we need to reach for the stars. We may be in a storm of hatred or uncertainty, but I think if we just first, trust in Jesus Christ, and, second, realize that we're more important than we think we are, we can go far and reach for that freedom.

I haven't fully navigated out of the storm. Life is a storm, and I think, at least for me personally, I'm going to be battling with Life's winds for a while, but I take comfort in the fact that I'm still sailing and that, even though there may be some fierce winds, each of us control whether our boat shatters, or whether we keep on navigating.

I testify of the power of the scriptures. They are truly a map to life. I know that Jesus is my savior and that he can always help us through that storm way. I'm not perfect, and I'm still pressing on and navigating, but I take comfort in the fact that I don't have to navigate alone. I have wonderful friends and family with me, taking this treacherous journey with me.

Finally, my wonderful readers, thank you for continuing to take comfort from the words that I speak. I really hope and intend for them to be a loving comfort for you, and for them to make you feel a bit better. Know that a caring friend is never far away if you need one. I love all of you, and I'm grateful for the opportunity and the chance to make the journey a little bit brighter. I do love the last part of the song that I've mentioned earlier, and that is what I'll leave you with:

"But all you have to do is look at me to know, That every word is true..."

Don't Cry for Me Argentina Lyric Excerpts
Copyright Andrew Lloyd Webber

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friendship: The Web Strands of Life

Hello again everyone!

Thanks for continuing to follow me, and read the different things I've been posting. I sincerely hope that these past posts have at least made you smile, and hopefully left you feeling a bit more cared for. Some of the past blog posts I've done have been about different subjects that have, in someway, related to God and religion. Bad thing? Absolutely not :D! But, I feel inclined to talk about a certain subject that, can also be related to God, but has a more Earthly and subtle tone to it.

I just want you, the reader, to remember that as we take another blog journey together, and as you read on, that the purpose of this blog is to give you the opportunity to build upon your knowledge of Christ, and also let you feel as much love, care, and comfort that I can give you through
a simple computer screen. Enough about introductions-everyone seems to dislike them anyway ha-ha!

Friendship is one of those things that sometimes gets misconstrued in today's society. I would like to enlighten you as to some of the benefits and blessings of friendship, and how, if you don't already, you can get more out of those relationships with those people you hold close to your heart. I guess we'll start with the dictionary definition of "friend" first-might as well put it out there :)! A friend is:
"A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard." 
I liked the word attached in that sentence. Notice, however, that no where does it say that a friend is simply an item to be had-"A person." I would like to point out that this post, the subjects in it, and the intention behind it is in no way meant to be taken negatively or with ill-feelings. It is merely to expound on what friendship is to me, and hopefully you as well, and give my appreciation and love to the privilege I've had of having so many wonderful, and unique friends.

I always used to wonder why-growing up in this world today, so many people focused so much on how many people they could call "friends", and how much people liked them. If you think about it, isn't that what society views as the focus and function of friends? Simply social status?  Why does it matter how "many" we have, or how much everybody "likes" us? Shouldn't we try to know people who actually "care" about us, and not just "tolerate" us?

I would like to share an example of one of my friends. It's really hard to share just one. It almost makes me teary-eyed thinking about how many people must care about me, and really pray for my success. I might use two or three ha-ha!

The first example I would like to use is one that shows friendship in a different light. I've gotten to know this certain friend over about a year, maybe a year and a half. Because of certain circumstances-him living in Sweden, and me not being rich enough to fly there :), I've only gotten to develop our relationship through other means, but it's really been a great experience. It really didn't matter that much that we couldn't have the physical side of things, and he's been a great help and support for me in times of struggle and hardship.

I don't know about you, but this life would be the worst thing in the entire universe without people to share it with, and people to help us along the way. I like to think that we are taking this journey together, and that our friends are right there beside us, holding our hands and walking with us. It's really special. If you think about it, part of the basis of life's "test" is developing friendships and love with other people. Sometimes it's hard trying to find friends, and sometimes you may feel alone, but there's always someone who loves and cares for you.

I would like you to know that as you read this, I hope you feel at least a little bit cared for. Some if not most of the problems in our degrading society today could be solved if people just tried to care for one another and become friends. I wasn't over exaggerating, nor was I being allegorical when I called friendship the "web strands of life". It is isn't it? Christ should be our foundation for life; church, scriptures, and prayer should be the map to life, and friendship should be the structure of life.

I've said in past blogs that these aren't to promote myself, nor are they to profess my expertise in any such area, but to help and uplift anyone who reads them. You're probably going to get tired of me saying that, but there it is, he-he. If you ever need someone to talk to, or give you some hope to look forward to, I know a few people ;)! I hope that you have gotten a smile out of this, and realize how precious your friends are, and how essential they are to life's journey.

Before I end this post, I'd like to share one more example of one of my friends. This is another friend who I haven't met in person, but we've talked on just about everything else you can imagine, and I have met him "face to face". Anyway, he's what I would consider as a "forever friend". Sometimes these friends are one in a million, other times they are right in front of us, but I'm taken back to the quote that states:

"Honestly, i don't need someone that sees what's good about me. i need someone that sees the bad and still wants me :)"
This certain friend has definitely seen my bad side sometimes. Yeah we've gotten furious at each other plenty of times, but he's still with me. We still talk, we still cry together, and we still uplift each other. I don't think we come by "forever friends" that often in life, and when we do we might miss them. But I can't tell you how much it makes my heart lift, and how much it makes my tears water when I feel the care that these friends have for me.

Without structure, life would fall apart-without friends, the journey isn't worth walking. So please watch out for them, and make sure you're not running the track of life's race too fast, to miss the people that are cheering you on...

I love you all, and thank you for continuing to follow my blog. I wish you a great week, and a sunny day!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life's Conundrum Undone

It seems a lot in life, we focus a lot on something that shouldn't receive so much attention or worried feelings about. We forget sometimes as humans that we are living beings and are part of the entire natural world on the earth. Sometimes we fear or focus on death as that final crack of the gavel on the judges stand, or the end of a tape that's playing, but it's not. I guess it's just that fear of the unknown that is really the issue or the reason why the aspect and eventuality of death is so jarring. It is a scary thought though, especially if you aren't part of any religious organization or church the preaches there is life after death. As you may have guessed, I'd be one member of one of those religious organizations :)!

You've heard me mention the church that I'm a member, and currently a missionary for, many times I'm sure. For the purposes of this blog I'll refer to it as the Mormon Church, as that seems to be the name most people recognize. Anyway-I'd like to touch on our basic beliefs about death, life, and what we teach and believe to the people that we meet. It would be scary honestly-if I didn't have the knowledge that I do now through being in the church. It would be a heart-wrenching experience to lose a family member in the natural way of life, and not know where they are.

Have you ever asked those life questions to yourself? Where did we come from? Where do we go when we die? Why is there suffering on this earth? Why did my family member have to pass away? What am I supposed to do? Why is life so hard? I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

We know from the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father (God), have made promises with different groups of people and given us teachings down through the ages to be happy and sound in our lives today. Jesus Christ then came down and established his church, called apostles, and ministered unto the people. Eventually, after three years, he atoned for the sins of the world in the Garden of Gethsemane, as recorded in the New Testament, and was crucified on Calvary the following day. We know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, but why is he exactly? Well, here we go!

Our gospel teaches us (The Bible and the Book of Mormon-which will be elaborated on in the near future), that we all lived with heaven with Heavenly Premortal Life. In this life, we lived as spirit children of our Heavenly Father, but we weren't like our Father in an important way. He had a resurrected, perfect body of flesh and bones, and we were still spirits. Because of this, our Heavenly Father, out of pure love for us, created a plan for use to be able to have the chance to become like him, receive a body, and grow in many ways.

The plan is labelled the Plan of Salvation or the Plan of Happiness in the Bible and Book of Mormon. That is God's purpose in a nutshell:

"For behold, this is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39, Pear of Great Price). 

To accomplish this, God instructed Jesus Christ to create the Earth for us to be able to receive bodies and to grow with them through the tests of mortality. We needed a savior though, to pay the price of sin, death, and suffering that would result from being born into a mortal world. As you could guess, Jesus Christ volunteered to be the savior and pledged all the glory to the Father as he suffered for the sins of the world to protect the agency of man. But another volunteered as well. Lucifer told the Father saying,

"Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor." (Moses 4:1, Pearl of Great Price).
Because of this, and his desire to rebel and take away man's agency, he and everyone who followed him was cast out of heaven. Those who chose to follow Christ and thereby chose to come down to earth to receive a body, and take part in this wonderful plan. Because you are here, you chose to follow Christ :D!

From the Bible, we have the account of the creation of course and of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They both were created in God's image, and they were perfectly innocent and lived in God's presence. Eventually though, Eve was tempted by the serpent or Satan to partake of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil-something God had forbidden them to do. Because of this, Adam had to choose to either remain in the Garden and follow the second commandment, or follow Eve and thereby doing, fulfill the first and higher commandment to "multiply and replenish the earth."

As you could guess, he chose the latter and thereby introduced sin, suffering  and mortality into the worlds, as was the plan from the beginning. That is our purpose of life on earth-to learn grow, and find peace with God and to gain a body of flesh and bones just like the Father has. That is the reason we have commandments from Heavenly Father and why we have our God-given agency. We have it so we can learn and grow, and learn to come to our Heavenly Father in love and dependence. Because of our fallen state however, we need a savior, Jesus Christ, to pay the price of sin and suffering, and to also overcome physical and spiritual death.

Because Jesus Christ came down to earth, as stated before, atoned for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, and was killed and risen from the dead-we will all be resurrected and can become clean from our sins by using his Atonement, and coming unto him. Christ will forgive our sins if we have faith in Him and his Atonement, repent and try our best to correct our wrongs, be baptized like he was by John the Baptist, receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and continue enduring and using Christ and God to help and love us!

That's a lot of information, I know. But doesn't it make sense? Why would we have this beautiful Earth, the millions upon millions of universes, and all of this evidence of a higher power? Doesn't that give you hope? Maybe comfort for a loved one? I hope so. But I'll explain the last part of this "Plan" before I digress.

We are all mortal, and unfortunately we all must die eventually. After death, our spirits will go to the Spirit World, as described by the Apostle Peter in Peter chapter 4 in the New Testament, and we will either live in a state of peace or misery depending on how we lived through our life. This isn't the end, only a waiting period where the people who've accepted Christ and have lived good lives can rest, and where the people who haven't, and who live in doubt and sometimes misery, will have a chance to accept Christ!

After Christ's Second Coming, everyone will eventually be resurrected, never to die again, and having perfect and immortal bodies. We will return to God's presence to be judged according to the works and desires that we had on this Earth life. If we repented, and tried our best to do good in life, then we will receive mercy.

After being judged, we will go into one of three kingdoms of Heaven: Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial. The Celestial Kingdom, or the glory of the sun, is where the people who've accepted Christ, and fulfilled the tenants above the best they could, and have accepted his Atonement, will go to reside with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The Terrestrial Kingdom, or the glory of the moon, is those who lived honorable lives, but haven't accepted the fullness of the gospel. Finally, The Telestial Kingdom, or the glory of the stars, is for those who continued in their sins and did not repent in this life (1 Corinthians 15, New Testament).

Our goal should be the Celestial Kingdom, and we all hope that everyone can get there. I testify that this Plan is divinely inspired and is so special and great in going through life's hardships and challenges. I love you guys! I hope that this all makes sense. If not, ask questions :D! I think this truly is the unwinding that we all need to "Life's Conundrum", and is how we, as a people, can have hope and love toward each other, and happiness and faith for the future!

Love you guys, and have a fantastic week!